CB Echo board audio problems
As a CB tech, I have worked on lots of radios, and I have had to fix many hack jobs.
One problem I have come across a lot lately is echo boards not working right.
The main problem I see is a echo board that requires 8volts, but the hack tech hooked it up directly to 12-14 volts. This can blow the board, but luckily most of the time it just makes it squeal and hum. If it takes 8 volts, its as simply as tapping into the 8 volt regulator. 95% of radios have this on the board.
Most Cobra radios use TR23 for 8 volts.
Most Galaxy radios use Q37 or TR41 for 8 volt supply.
They are the large transistor in the front right of the radio, when the face is towards you, component side up.
Simply use a volt meter and tap there. Walla, No squeal, No Hum.
The next problem is the adjustment for the echo time.
For some reason, some boards wont do a slow echo. If you turn the speed to the left of center, it turns off. This is a problem with the board setup, but it can be solved easy.
Simply remove the Ground/Shield wire from the time pot, and relocate it to the Ground/Shield of the Amount pot. This will allow the adjustment to be turned down all the way, and have slower echo.
Sometimes this will create a hum when its all the way down. If so, add a .1uf capacitor to the now empty left pin of the speed pot, to either the 2 ground/shield wires or to the metal frame of the pot, where there may be another capacitor located. This should remove the hum when you turn the speed all the way down.

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