Welcome to HamPage.com!

HamPage.com is a nationwide Amateur Radio paging network.
It allows any licensed Ham Operator to send pages to another Ham Operator via RF alphanumeric paging.


Want to know more about the network and how it works?
Find out here.


Register your pager on the network and start receiving messages within minutes.


Want to help provide better coverage? Setup a paging transmitter in your area.

System Overview

The paging network is ran by a server, that handles all of the messages and routes them to the correct user or group of users, at the correct transmit sites. When a message is received, either by the web form or via the API, the server does a few (super cool) things behind the scenes. Once the server has processed all of the routing and data, it pushes it thru the magic pipes of the internet to the the correct transmitter sites.

The transmitter sites listen for the page and sends it to the encoder. The encoder changes the text data into POCSAG paging format, keys up the radio, and yells it from the top of antenna towers for your pager to hear.